Camera model ? A popular question for those who are interested or decision. Buy used digital camera into a laundry. This is because digital cameras currently available to buy. The only digital SLR camera that is cheaper and more popular every day, in a price increase from just over ten thousand baht. Close to digital cameras Tandem quite And dozens to choose from multiple brands. Which have different advantages and disadvantages. The decision to buy is a digital camera. What about no less headache. Especially if you're a rookie. Never know about digital cameras before. This article is the way in your decision.
View Photography "Dept of Field".Budget.
First of all, to see if You will set the budget? To buy a camera that trusted partner. Digital SLR cameras because the market price is one thousand and three hundred thousand Baht to Baht Resolution level in 8 to 21 million pixels, even a small version of a low price. But very good quality that makes the difference between the price the camera is very different example, the resolution increased. Sensors larger than System faster. The camera is a metal such as Magna Oil company screwball counterpart alloys when the budget is already three thousand baht is like looking for a specific price in the statement of our camera models are priced higher. Continue to be considered to have a headache.
Image sensor.If the image sensor, see the Image sensor will say that writing is easy. The use of images instead of film itself received some brands such as Canon uses CMOS, but most use a larger CCD, but some small some are larger than the image sensor would be advantageous. It collected more detailed and better picture quality. Digital SLR cameras in general are popular today are used APS-C size sensor, which is smaller than 35 mm film when the lens of a camera film. Must multiply the focal length of 1.5 or 1.6 times is added to the equivalent focal length with 35 mm film camera to some of the sensors used as a film no longer focus on increasing multiply like canon EOS 1Ds Mark lll or EOS. 5D is the camera and the line Olympus Panasonic pot use sensor size 4 / 3, the smaller APS-C size must multiply the focal length increased by 2 times for example to add a 50mm lens is 100 mm, but the advantage is that the lens is designed. sensors for size 4 / 3 by making the lens is small and lightweight.
View NIKON D80.Depth of color.Depth of color, or sometimes called Bit Depth Color Depth is the depth of color very much. Will store the details of the drive is more like 10-bit color / color or 12 bits / color in the photo are three RGB color is 1 if a 13-bit color display 3 will have 36-bit color, etc. If a certain high-end cameras. 14-bit version to be done / 42-bit RGB color or details of the collection has more than 12-bit color up to 3 times the quality of the film close to the common use. That will cause less color as color separations as well as it should be less like petal purple. Medium red and red light. See it in tandem with the naked eye color drive. However, ladle into a red color. If the record has more depth of color. To drive close to the color that you want to see by.
esolution.Select the appropriate resolution digital SLR cameras today are very high resolution. Most will start at 8 o'clock until 21 million pixels, if thought is pumped up Zoom 8 x 10 inch camera with a resolution of 8-10 million pixels is enough. But remember that quality is not dependent on the resolution alone. However, high resolution cameras typically provide better image quality. Although imaging smaller files such as.
Cameras 10 million pixels resolution, if the imaging resolution to 6 million pixels are better quality digital camera. The most sensitive because of the 6 million pixels sensor with better quality or larger processor performance is better. If you want to use to expand compressed image size in less than 4 x 6 inch should adjust the camera to the 3 million-pixel resolution is sufficient because of the 10 million pixel resolution, magnification 4 x 6 inch quality will not differ. Set the resolution to 3 million pixels image because printers are inkjet or color requirements of the high end images for 6x4-inch image resolution is only 3 million pixels (picture at 300 - 400 dpi) but, aware that the same is, if the imaging resolution and then want to go low. Zoom in on the later will have the quality is poor.
Digital SLR camera lens to remove the change. If the camera model is often smaller versions of the central lens Kitts, along with a camera such as 18 -, 55, or 18 to 70, enough for the other general photography. But want to photograph the wide angle. Photography or what is the remote will not work. Lens must be used to buy new add The lens is. Focal length of less than 18, will enable photographers to wider or more than 55 photographers, will be far more If you want to buy a lens to increase the use of lens Kitts. Recommend zoom lens size 55 to 200 movie scenery like if it comprehensively recommend wide angle lens is more like 12 to 24, the lens or use any universal one end such as 18 to 200, but the quality is not good. times less than the zoom lens range. To the best is to choose the lens focal length to cover a single example from 18 to 200, and must be 6 to the lens is 18 28 35 50 100 and 200, and the lens focal length of a single majority. Aperture is far wider than the lift such as F 1.4 lens through F 2.8 No need to buy all Some may choose only the best, better. The use of zoom lenses! The general used a lens, F 1.8, size 50 because it is cheap, only a few thousand baht but Aperture Wide Use photography in other low light conditions very well if people like imaging lens is recommended, such as medium-length, F 1.8, 85 or to buy a macro lens, F 2.8, 100 have utilized both photography and people. The movie is very small objects such as flowers or insects.

Monitor current digital cameras have a larger, more like 2.5 or 3.0 inches makes the characters look and menu icon image. Obviously. Share pictures and then let the movie go see friends can more easily choose the large screen monitors should be used in deciding to buy a camera. However, if a camera monitors the screen size. Resolution of the screen to view another comparison one Because the display resolution is more like 150,000 to 230,000 pixels to display high resolution imaging will be more than clear. And see when the zoom magnification to check the details definition. Also, see the degree viewing images. Some need only look plain if oblique views to visualize fade. Some models have a wide view some 160 degree camera designed to monitor adjust screen tilt and rotate to turn around the bend. To facilitate imaging, high-angle or low angle.
Rapid response.Discovery screen, camera, SLR, a new rapid response very well. Since the switch cameras available. The time to make a Chatetars imaging and continuous Consider buying camera cameras compare how each model Available in time? Some camera models use less than 0.2 seconds is used. The time to make a very short Chatetars if the event or moving photography. Shake well as a film camera. Is the last movie. Images should be continuously done at least 3 pictures per second to some may be faster to 5 pictures per second digital SLR camera like the canon eos400d but if a pro cameras like canon.
eos1d Mark lll capacity up to 10 frames per second is ideal for sports or news photographer wildlife to speed. Strokes to capture the incident quickly.
Memory backup image file.Buffer much more better with Buffer or memory in the camera more. Imaging can help to continue to waste time waiting for a long time. And do not miss the great opportunity to capture that is to say from our Klag Chatetars Press photographers. Image data through the processor will be put before a storage buffer. Then saved in. Memory Card. When recording is light green or red alert to let you know, this method allows us to photograph! Do not wait to save the completed cards. If the car is much buffer imaging continuous light several consecutive pharmacist. For example, the camera, indicating that Photography continued fast 3 frames per second consecutive 50 images means that rapidly reaches 50 if the image is not Chatetars press. Because buffer is full. Must wait for the card before recording. When there is enough space left to photograph.
White Balance.White light, white balance or Balance. This functionality is available in digital SLR cameras, most models will have all the White Balance adjustment Allan Curtis proof credentials. Make colorful photos that are not valid for outdoor photography. Lighting or other conditions. As the industry landscape is different if a color camera that uses film balanced light lunch at the industry landscape color degrees 5000-5500 Kevin is a correct picture when imaged with light lunch. Light or flash. If in the shady landscape industries at high color images will be tone blue color low-temperature or evening. Image is orange red color. But digital cameras to color correct even if the lighting conditions will vary. Auto-save and then most systems will be set to the PRESET to adjust various light conditions. Each selected models. Not equal Such as sun light in a light shade. Light from a fire on เร Lube เซ้ First, light the buildings on standby. Camera imaging system is some 3 or 5 consecutive images, each image is adjusted to vary the color temperature automatically. No time adjustment at each image. Some models also set the color temperature numbers yourself. Adjust the resolution. Ideal for those who need a creature of the most accurate color. White Balance or adjust the chip, has been added to resolve the issue.
On a color image. Red or blue too little. Adjusting White Balance performance chip will help to brighten the picture. Some models have a system, pestering or คั Man nuan Compared with material from the white color which will make the most accurate.
Auto-focus.Digital SLR cameras of all models is the Auto Focus Work rather quickly. However, higher versions will focus faster than And faster, the camera's Top Model. This has been apparent. Is one that indicates a professional camera for some 3 or 5 is the focus point, but some models have up to 11 points or more 16 more. Because no matter what options or want to paraphrase it in any position to accurately adjust the focus by the camera will choose to focus. Allan Curtis เเ Asset โน Matsumoto own focus has also consider the range of focus that can adjust the focus if the size range EV EV EV1 or low, as EV0 allows the camera to adjust focus, even in shadowy light. If the pro cameras. Some models will have to adjust the EV-1 focus quite
System to capture and measure light.Most digital SLR cameras with Auto-program and finished. Including a standard mode, P, S, A, M in the camera will auto select the value and select Chatetars Aperture photosensitivity. And adjust the focus. Users simply create an image element as needed and press Chatetars. If less light the camera will adjust to higher light sensitivity. Or automatic flash. Make it easy. Program is finished and for imaging such as imaging-person perspective image image image sports night fireworks pictures Fireworks pictures snow beach some cameras have a wider range of programs that dozens more. If you have knowledge of photography or experienced. To some measure of light. Auto mode is the speed with speed Chatetars to play with Aperture ค่ะ. Chatetars that need to adjust the speed or Aperture manually.
View Guide to buy a camera .Accessories.Digital SLR cameras of all brands, all models will have many accessories to choose from. To facilitate the imaging of any kind The lens is a main accessory is a subordinate flash version. Models from small to large models. Chatetars noisy lines. Some models have a battery restaurants. Help to have longer battery life. Simultaneously two bars. Do not worry about the battery out of a photograph Help capture and hold the camera, especially in vertical photography easier and more streamlined version of some of the remote allows wireless control of remote imaging.
Dust removal system. Image protection and tremulous.Many digital SLR camera models in the current system, removing the dust. Using technology vary. Reduce dust problems in handling the front sensor is significant. One big problem is that the digital SLR camera lens to remove the change. Some models have the protection of the camera image tremulous. Allows the lens to any system used to protect the image tremulous No need to waste money buying a lens system tremulous.
After-sales services.Finally, what is the word of steam. Of aftermarket services. Both from stores and importers. If you purchase cameras and equipment from the official importer. You will receive a reliable service. As a representative from the direct sale.
Some production companies, distribution companies from the camera manufacturer directly. Digital cameras are generally 1 year quality warranty if damage occurs during the warranty period will be repaired or replaced. Free parts without charge if it is a critical piece or image sensors such as Monitor Parts cost is very expensive. For peace of mind. Buying a camera from the importer that it must be a better course. Except that the price between the importer to the official. Free import will vary. May cause the camera to buy at more affordable prices. For digital cameras from overseas should check the current price of the good. Especially Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore or some cheaper too.
If not very different should buy a camera in Thailand is better than no risk to repair or replace parts in the box there is a problem.
This is a basic element in the purchase of a DSLR camera is the final decision penchant Is a major decision.
View Guide to buy a camera .View Photography "Dept of Field".View NIKON D80.View Buying guide camera DSLR .